Monthly Archives: October 2016

Homework – Term 4 Week 4

We have been learning about length.  You made a measuring tool using icy pole sticks.  You also worked with a paper number line and looked at what was printed on a wooden ruler.

Write down 3 things that you learned about measuring length from these tasks.

Day for Daniel

Saving Water

Homework – Term 4 Week 3

On Christmas Eve 1974, a huge cyclone hit the city of Darwin.

Winds gusting at more than 217 kilometres an hour swept through the city, while more than 255 millimetres of rain poured down in just twelve hours.

The harbour and coastline were deluged with huge waves reaching up to around 4 metres.

In just a few short hours this ferocious weather flattened the city. More than 70% of buildings were destroyed or badly damaged.

Sixty-five people lost their lives while many hundreds were injured – 150 quite seriously.

It was a very happy Christmas for the people of Darwin and for the rest of Australia as well.

Write down 3 facts that you have learned from this article.

Synthesising Wheel

Monday 10th October, 2016

Dear 3 / 4 K,

There are a few things that are due by this Friday.  Firstly, if you would like to order a School Concert photo or a DVD then orders are due by Friday.

Book Club is also due this Friday.

Finally, Friday is our Sports Dress Up Day.  You will need to bring a gold coin donation if you dress up in your sports clothes.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Homework – Term 4 Week 2

Here is some information about Jackie French’s early life.  This information has come from Jackie’s website.

I was born in Sydney on 29 November 1953, grew up on the outskirts of Brisbane, left my mother’s house when I was 15, went to university at 16 and went bush at 18 when I got my degree, with a short break when I worked in the public service for a few years to get enough money to buy this place.

Your homework for this week is to answer the following questions.

  1.  On what date was Jackie French born?
  2.  In which city was she born?
  3.  Whereabouts did Jackie grow up?
  4.  At what age did Jackie go to university?

The Water Cycle

Friday 7th October, 2016

Dear 3 / 4 K,

I will be giving you some time today to complete some more research about Jackie French.  You will be able to look at Jackie’s website to find some facts about her.  It might be a good idea to find some facts for the categories that you haven’t found some facts for yet.

There will be no Maths Rotations today.  These will begin next week.  Instead we will have another lesson about fractions to build on what you learned yesterday.

We will be having assembly after lunch today.  You will need to line up at the pole nearest the library.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Thursday 6th October, 2016

Dear 3 / 4 K,

It is good to be back at school for this term.  I hope you have settled back well into school routine.

Maths Rotations will not start until next week.  The topic is fractions and we will have an introductory lesson about fractions during our Maths Rotations time today.

We will also be starting our Inquiry topic for this term today.

Homework will start next week so that means everybody will be able to join in with Mr. Andrew’s game at assembly tomorrow.

Just a reminder that you need to wear a hat when outside at recess and lunch times this term.

Have a great day.

From Mr. Kilmartin


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