Monthly Archives: June 2017

Friday 30th June, 2017

Dear 3 / 4 K,

Today is the last day of Term 2.  We will be having our End of Term Assembly at 1.15 pm in the hall and you will be dismissed at 1.30 pm.  If you have brought your lunch I will give you time to eat it before assembly.

Have a great last day of term,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Thursday 29th June, 2017

Dear 3 / 4 K,

Miss Boyes will be coming into our classroom from 9.00 am till 9.30 am.  She will also be in here for the two hours between recess and lunch time.

The Grade 1 / 2’s have got their Expo today.  It will be held in the hall between 11.45 am and 12.45 pm.  We will be visiting the Expo at some stage between those times.

The sausage sizzle for attendance of 95% or more is today.

We have got the I-pads the hour before lunch and I’m sure you will enjoy the task we will be doing with them.

Tomorrow is the last day of term.  You will be dismissed early at 1.30 pm from the hall.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Wednesday 28th June, 2017

Dear 3 / 4 K,

Today in Writing you will be able to write up your biography about Thomas Edison.  In the Computer Lab you can either type this up or you can type up your Bushland Lullaby work.  You might even have time to type up both.

Starting today Miss Boyes will be coming into our classroom between recess and lunch time.  She will come in at this time every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The Preps have got their Expo after lunch today.  We will be able to go and see it after Auslan.

Well done to those children who have already completed their homework.  It is due on Friday.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Tuesday 27th June, 2017

Dear 3 / 4 K,

Congratulations on the great job you did at the Expo yesterday!  Make sure that you get your homework done early in the week whilst it is still fresh in your mind.

Today we will be visiting the Grade 5 / 6 Expo.  Their topic is about government in Australia.

I have a meeting at 1.00 today so Miss Hughes will be bringing you back to the classroom after Art and supervising you whilst you eat your lunch.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Monday 26th June, 2017

Dear 3 / 4 K,

Today is the Grade 3 / 4 Expo.  I will explain to you how it will work.  You will be given some time to practice your speech as well as to paste any printed off sheets into your Inquiry Notebook.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Homework – Term 2 Week 11

Dear 3 / 4 K,

Your homework for this week is to write down

  • one thing that you thought you did well at the Expo
  • one thing that you thought you could improve on next time.

You can use the following sub-headings as a prompt.

  •  Voice
  •  Information
  •  Presentation
  •  Eye Contact
  •  Body Language


Friday 23rd June, 2017

Dear 3 / 4 K,

You will be given time today to finish off your poster for the Expo as well as your Inquiry Notebook.  I will give you a chance to practice what you are going to say at Expo.  Each group will be given an opportunity to present their information to the grade.

Our Expo is on Monday.  The times will be in today’s newsletter.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Thursday 22nd June, 2017

Dear 3 / 4 K,

Mrs. Robinson will be coming in this morning to watch our first lesson.  It is about a specific type of information report.

You have got Maths Rotations the hour before recess.  After recess you will be going to Mrs. Joyce’s room for your Global Goals lesson.

Don’t forget that homework is due tomorrow.  It is also PJ Day and Crazy Hair Day as well.  You can either wear your pyjamas to school or you can come with crazy hair or you can do both.  It is a gold coin donation.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin

Thomas Edison

Wednesday 21st June, 2017

Dear 3 / 4 K,

Today in the computer lab is your final opportunity to type up anything that you need for Monday’s Expo.  I will explain to you later what you can work on in the lab.

Friday is a Junior School Council Fundraiser.  They are raising money for the State Schools Relief.  For a gold coin donation you can come to school in either your pyjamas or wearing crazy hair or both.

Have a great day,

From Mr. Kilmartin


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